Thursday, May 6, 2010

White Sauce Recipe

I have found that one of the hardest items to rotate for people is powdered milk.

Here is a recipe that I use a lot that can help with rotation. This is a base for soooo many sauces. I have used it twice this week already. We have had it on the board many months back, but wanted to put it on the blog for easy access.

White Sauce:
1 cup Water
3 Tb Powdered milk
1 Tb Flour (2 Tb for a medium sauce, and 4Tb for a Thick Sauce)
1/4 tsp Salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 Tb Butter
Place water and butter in pan, and bring to a boil. Mix powdered milk, flour, salt and pepper in a small bowl. Once water is boiling add dry ingredients and whisk for one minute. Turn off heat.

Yesterday I added 1/8 tsp dry mustard, some garlic salt, and 1 cup of shredded cheese and added it to macaroni. (Simple Mac and Cheese the wholesome way)

This morning I added 1/4 tsp chicken bouillon, and put it on biscuits for biscuits and gravy. (Next time I will just cook up some sausage, mix it in and omit the chicken bouillon).

Experiment with it. You can use it (with proper flavorings) in place of any canned cream of soup. It is cheaper, and healthier. Talk about working within a budget.

Let us know what you think.

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